Are you hosting your family and friends for Thanksgiving, but don’t have a big budget? Check out these 5 tips on how to host Thanksgiving on a Budget. I’ve also included affordable Amazon table decor to have your table looking great with minimal effort.
Ever wonder how to host Thanksgiving on a budget? Here are 5 tips to help you.
#1 – Plan Ahead
The first is one area I could use some help with, personally. I find it hard to plan ahead, as my tendency is usually last minute. I would encourage you to think ahead to stay on budget. Think about items that you will need to purchase and what groceries will you need to buy. Start to purchase things weeks or even months in advance. Items like canned goods, frozen items and pantry staples are great things to add to your groceries each week, so you don’t notice a huge bill as you get close to Thanksgiving.
#2 – Delegate
When people come to your home for dinner, they typically expect (or are at least willing) to bring something, especially for Thanksgiving. Make sure you plan out your menu and then ask each person to bring something from that list. Whether you assign dishes for each person or you let them pick, that will take a major load off of you.
#3 – Pick and Choose
Don’t feel pressured to make absolutely everything from scratch. Pick 1-2 items that can be made from scratch, and then plan on purchasing the rest ahead of time. This will take a major part of the overwhelm out of the equation. Have nice dishes ready to transfer store-bought items into for a more curated and intentional look.
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Decorate your Table
#4 – Take the Pressure off
Let yourself make mistakes. Set realistic expectations as you get closer. It doesn’t have to be perfect, so let go of that expectation ahead of time. You’re the only person who knows how things are supposed to turn out, so I guarantee no one else will notice if things go wrong (unless of course you majorly burn the turkey or something). Plan ahead so you can relax and enjoy before your guests arrive.
#5 – Don’t be afraid to ask for Help
Ask your mom, cousin, sister, or aunt to come over early and help you get everything prepped. Or better yet, ask all of them. Holidays can be such a fun, family bonding experience. People like to be included and most people love to feel helpful and important. Put some fun music on and make it into a great memory that everyone will remember for years to come.
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